The following pictures are from my 1973 Disney's animated Robin Hood The lunchbox was found by my brother, in Colorado, who's somewhat of a lunchbox collector. (apparently people collect these things. Me, I eat outta them) My brother, Greg informs me it's a lot harder to locate than, say, a 1983 Dukes Of Hazzard Lunchbox. (the scourge of the lunchbox collecting community, as apparently they made 10,000,000,000 of them). The lunchbox even came with the thermos, , the box and thermos free from dents, scratches, dings, and TIMMY written in crayon.
robin1.jpg Robin Hood Lunch Box and thermos.
Robin3.jpg detail, bottom Robin Hood and
robin4.jpg Back of lunchbox.
robin6.jpg Front of lunchbox.